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PUBLICATIONS - "Regression Healing II: Joe & Marilyn"
Now available from all major book sellers as well as in audiobook format

From the Back Jacket:
A Seattle hypnotherapist turns to part-life regression therapy to resolve puzzling memories that predate her birth. However, when she realizes she is seeing the world from the point-of-view of Joe DiMaggio, she struggles to accept the famous ball player's identity as well as the energy flow between them. 

The hypnotherapist flounders trying to heal her experiences as the Yankee Clipper until a young woman struggling with overwhelming memories from the same timeline is referred to her for a past-life regression.

Her new client has significant recall from childhood of what appears to be her past life as Marilyn Monroe, including as Joe DiMaggio's second wife. The hypnotherapist realizes she needs to step to the plate to help them both release the old energy.

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From the Back Jacket: 

A lifetime athlete and adventurer had broken his neck. Could a comprehensive Past-Life Regression truly heal his significant daily pain? Could he finally learn how to connect easily and meaningfully with his Higher Self and Guides?

Witness one man’s exploration of more than a dozen of his past lives. Celebrate his journey Home as he becomes “One” with the Light within us all. Learn how finding the origin of physical or emotional pain provides the opportunity to heal and release it for a happier, healthier NOW, via the Regression Healing™ spiritual regression technique.

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From the Back Jacket:
Why would a ghost choose to remain Earth-bound for hundreds of years? Ann Warren Little vividly depicts her childhood in England; her perilous journey to Colonial America aboard a Mayflower ship; five decades living and loving at Plimoth Plantation; and her shocking death during King Philip's War.

Learn why this broken-hearted ghost continually refuses to go Home. Experience Ann's compulsion to find both Ship's Master William Pierce who brought her to the New Colony in 1623 - and her own Future Self - to attempt to bring closure to their clandestine 1600s relationship.

Will Ann and William's Future Selves master their shared lessons in present time? Can they convince Ann - a remarkably stubborn ghost - to finally move to the Light to heal? Will Ann forgive William, or once again remain a ghost...

Available on Amazon and Audible:


From the Back Jacket:
A horse that communicates through dreams, a dog that gives Reiki treatments, and a cat that brings the joy of Christmas back to a family in mourning. These are just a few of the incredible animals that come alive in Heaven Sent, through the words of the owners who love them.


Whether they are large or small, have hooves or paws, or bark, meow or neigh, these beautiful beings enriched and even transformed the lives they touched. And though they arrived under different circumstances––some from pet stores, others from shelters, and still others from the street––they always seemed to show up at just the right time to lend support and ease their owner of challenges and hardships.


We often believe we’ve rescued our pets when the truth is they’ve rescued us in return. They are our saviors and our angels; our children and our teachers; our healers and our best friends. Some are only with us for a short while, others for a decade or more, yet it never feels quite long enough. We grieve their loss, but we never forget the gifts they gave us while they were here.


If you’ve ever experienced the unconditional love of an animal, you will certainly resonate with the twenty-four authors who contributed to this anthology. Their stories will make you laugh, they’ll make you cry, and hopefully they’ll remind you just how blessed you are to have—or to have had—the companionship of your loving pet.


Our hope is that this collaboration will warm your heart and awaken a few new animal lovers at the same time. One thing’s for sure, after reading these stories you’ll see that our animals are more than just our furry friends. Indeed, our pets are heaven sent. (Proceeds benefit a veteran's charity to provide aid dogs)

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